Overwhelmed? Go Back to Basics

Creating an endless “to do” list with items on it that never get started or finished can be a huge trigger to feeling overwhelmed.  When things start to pile up, the objectives, to do’s and goals you have seem distant and impossible even.  Just getting to your laundry can be a source of anxiousness, let’s be honest! Now add when you, like all humans, have thoughts and stories in your head and a wide range of emotions at any given time to navigate through…

I bet you have all the best intentions to do all you plan to do every day, week, month, quarter and even year… so what do you do if your intentions aren’t showing up the way you want them to?

Well, some people express this outwardly through aggression; towards others through rage, anger, shame, blaming …. And some of us turn that aggression inward by beating up on ourselves, which let’s be honest, seems less destructive only because no one else knows or sees it so meh, why not!?!?!

For me, expressing my disappointment, frustration and discomfort when I was overwhelmed was and still creeps up as “get aggressive – push through – force it – fight!”.

Pema Chodron describes 3 ways we seek relief when we are facing intense discomfort and caught up in a “head story”:

1.       Aggression

2.       Numbing Out

3.       Pleasure Seeking

That being said, to find out more about the Shenpa and her descriptions of each, I highly recommend reading or downloading her audio book: Getting Unstuck.

What I can say about giving into your comfort zone habits of restrictive and destructive behaviors is that you never really feel at peace or satisfied with ANY outcome for very long.  There is a constant sense of yearning and longing for the next “high” and that can lead to feeling powerless and hopeless. 

Why can’t I control this __ about me? What’s wrong with me (shame)?

How could I not get to / reach my “goal”? Why can’t I do it? How do I stop feeling so uncomfortable with _?

The changes that you want to happen do not have to be in a HUGE list of unattainable to do’s, objectives and shame driven “fix me, I’m broken” items.  Start with basic care giving towards yourself, the same way you would for a small child, pet or loved one in need of nurturing.

Download my “Back to Basics” template that you can cater for your needs.  What seems like small steps do make big strides over time. I recommend you try filling this out or your own for 3 weeks before you adjust or add to it.

The more rest, exercise and movement you incorporate and intentional well-being driven life choices you make to take care of you – the more patience, compassion and ENERGY you will have to add to your goals and overall well-being!

Courage is feeling the fear and still, starting it anyways. I got you boo!

Peace and Loads of Love – Megs

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